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Color Overload! The Boyd Family, friends
of mine, as they wandered through the merchant area
in full regalia. Their costumery was most impressive! |
S.C.A. humor at it's best! I was having a good day wandering
around the lake with my camera, and this gentleman permitted
me to take his picture. The lettering on the shield states:
"My other shield is rowan wood." Lady Isabella of Oakwood
identified him for me (as I forgot to ask his name). She says:
His SCA name is Llewellyn o'r Glynn. His mundane name is Glenn Martin.
And, of course, he's one of ours (Canton of Caldrithig, Barony of
Skraeling Althing, Ealdormere, Midrealm - that's Ottawa, Ont.)
And, yes, I also think it's a hoot. But, then, so is his other humourous
shield, which says- IN LATIN, no less - "My father went to Jerusalem and
all he bought me was this lousy shield". Gotta love it!
I guess he figures maybe he can distract his opponents as they stop to read
the shield. And maybe he won't even have to kill them - they'll just keel
over with laughter.
The lady's name is "Osprey" and she is a talented
musician and fencer. She has always been a very special lady to me. |
You might never guess what will pop up during Midnight Madness celebration! |
Yes, this is me, just done up in woad by the most talented Sable. |
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Last modified: 15-November-1998